Medi Facial With Peel


Medi Facial With Peel


Our Medi Facial and Peels are used for both immediate and long-term benefits: 

  • Diminish and soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Remove up to several layers of skin in 30 seconds

  • Loosen and soften (exfoliate) the outer layers of dead skin cells quickly and effectively

  • Reduce appearance of age spots

  • Smooth-out blemished skin and even-out skin tones

  • Minimize and reduce the appearance of acne scarring and surgery scarring

  • Help with the damage caused by well water, hard water and chlorinated water

  • Reduce skin blemishes, pimple formation and breakouts

  • Greatly enhance the absorption of moisturizers and topical treatments

  • Remove gray, dull, dead skin cells promoting a healthier glow

The Bottom Line - a Younger, Healthier looking Complexion
How many treatments will I need?
4-6 peels at weekly intervals are recommended for noticeable improvements. More or less may be required depending on the condition being treated, your desired results, the strength of the peels and home skin care regimen.  Once you have achieved your desired results, maintenance peels are recommended at 2-3 monthly intervals combined with a daily AHA skin care regime to retain the benefits.  The ongoing skin care program uses advanced skin care products that contain a therapeutic level of AHA's at an active pH and other active ingredients.

The Procedure

Allow 1 hr for our Medi Facial with Peel.  You will probably experience a tingling, itchy sensation for a few minutes when the peel is applied and the stronger solutions sting a little.

Most patients go straight back to their normal activities, although it is best not to apply make-up for around 3 hours.  Some patients find they may experience some redness after the peel (especially those with sensitive skin or having longer/stronger duration peels). After a few days, most patients experience some flaking of the skin, some even have significant skin peeling.  The effectiveness of the peel is not determined by the extent of visible peeling. 

Each treatment is              $129.00 Purchase 6 treatments and only pay $549.00

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